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Helping a Worshipper Reach 1,700 Unique Visitors Monthly Through Google Search

Learn how we helped a worshiper with a vision of raising up other worshipers through Piano reach 1,700 unique visitors to her website monthly.

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Learn how we helped a worshiper with a vision of raising up other worshipers through Piano reach 1,700 unique visitors to her website monthly.

Here at Webease, we deeply value providing marketing advice that will make a difference to those that receive it and do something with it. Our friend Makayla Stevenson over at paid for our marketing training to help her across things like Branding, Social Media Marketing, YouTube, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Little did she know that her SEO was going to bring in a ton of monthly traffic to her website and allow her to sell more courses, private lessons, and ultimately make a difference in the lives of so many as she teaches worship through Piano.

Before & After - SEO is a Long-term Solution

Before we continue, let's start at where she was at in terms of search traffic to her website prior to our help, and where she is now a full 1 year and 4 months later.

It all began in February of 2023 with search traffic averaging 10 and under:

Search Traffic Stats for

With our help, this is what she's reaching now as of June 19, 2024:

Search Traffic Stats for on June 19

That's a whopping 1,744 difference, and I just love looking at the graph as the lines curve upward because these are lives being impacted for the glory of God. To explain the numbers, Organic Traffic refers to people searching on Google a question or phrase and then clicking on whatever link they find to be most useful for them. Your goal with your website should always be, ‘How can I create high quality content that will rank in the Top 10 on Google so that the people I want to reach find it and are blessed by it?’ Organic Traffic Value refers to the amount of dollars that the Organic Traffic represents in terms of Google Ads. If Makayla did Google Ads, to attract 1,748 people to her website, she would have to spend $808 that month to do so on average. Because of SEO working in her favor, however, she doesn't have to spend that money. This is the value of free Organic Traffic through SEO.

Learn What Your Audience is Searching For

One thing that was invaluable for Makayla was to know what people are searching. For that, we offer an SEO Starter Kit that helps you to learn what are the top 25 relevant keywords / phrases that people are searching on Google that your website would be able to rank for. Extreme care has to be taken in providing this starter kit because keywords / phrases come in various difficulties, indicating how hard or easy a keyword / phrase would be able to rank for.

For example, if 'learning worship piano' phrase was Easy difficulty, then a new website with a few referring domains / backlinks (other websites linking back to your website) would be capable of ranking in the top 10 for that phrase. If it was Hard difficulty, however, then a new website would not be able to rank easily for it and would have to work hard to first get their backlinks / referring domains up, along with any other optimizations that their website may need.

We audit your existing website to see what keywords / phrases make the most sense so that you can then proceed to create a page or blog post that is of high quality content to rank for that particular term. This is vital, because the last thing you want to do is write content for a keyword / phrase that no one is searching on Google.

After learning of what she should be ranking for, and knowing the state of her website was good, Makayla went straight to work on new pages and blog posts that were relevant to what she taught as well as to what people were searching. The rest is history in the making as she is now impacting lives worldwide with her teachings.


Check out her testimonial sent to us:
just wanted to say thank you again to you and Michael for the help with SEO and social media! I am ranking #1 on Google for 53 keywords and am nearing 1000 subscribers on YouTube. A couple weeks ago one of my course subscribers happened to be at Jesus School visiting and she recognized me and said hi! It has been amazing to see the Lord change people's hearts and bring them closer to Himself through worship piano.

Makayla Testimonial

Start with Your Website, then an SEO Starter Kit

If you’re ready to get started in increasing search traffic, then it all begins with having a website. If you don’t have a website, consider purchasing a website here at Webease, starting with a Landing Page and then working your way up to a Multi-page Website. A landing page is a great way to start because blogging comes included, so you can have a landing page showing what you do, followed by individual blog posts that you create that will serve to get you organic search traffic, and as that grows, coupled with your monetary offers on your website, you’ll be able to then make more money to further invest on your website and marketing.

Once you have a website, an SEO audit will be in order, and we do those for free. You can book a call with us for your audit and we’ll provide you with the rundown on what we recommend you do to grow. With that recommendation, the next step would be to purchase an SEO Starter Kit. We dive further into the Starter Kit in our SEO Audit call.

We are adamant about helping Christians grow their online reach to make a significant impact in the lives of others. Matthew 5:14-16 speaks of letting our light so shine that people may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. You were made to shine, and we’d love to help you do so digitally with website and marketing assistance.